Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thanksgiving Vacation--Idaho and SLC Temple Square
For Thanksgiving my mom had Summer, Jim, their five kids; my uncle Dennis and Aunt Barbara; Brett, Sheilee, their four; and us (7) over! It was SO much fun! We went to the movies ("Twilight"--AGAIN, which Sheilee, Brittany and Hailey spent hours trying to "convert" Summer and Ryleigh over to! Ha ha...), we ate, the cousins played, then ate again, we went shopping, ate some more, slept, read, and ate, and ate, again!! Oh yeah, the kids played the piano some too! Shocking!! They're getting pretty good! (Hailey and Thomas especially)
One highlight was going to the Rexburg temple together with my mom and brother Brett (all for the first time through that temple!) It was BEAUTIFUL! and such a GREAT experience! There is such a refocus, a recommitment, and a renewal that happens at the temple!!! My mom was in tears!!!
After that we hopped in the car and drove to Salt Lake. The next morning we drove up to Malad to see Doug & Janel's little boy Wesley Dean get blessed. It was such a sweet experience!! ...especially since they thought he had a vision impairment and we had all been praying and fasting for him! He's the cutest little kid to SEE! He has a little round face and the cutest expression! He was blessed to SEE and hear, etc. etc. It was so nice! The church building there was beautiful! -Like in the old time Palmyra days--with arched ceilings, stained glass windows, a big beautiful golden pipe organ and pillars and a balcony inside, etc. It was fun to see and meet all of Janel's family afterwards!
We stayed with friends along the way--in Bountiful (the Adamsons--Pati, Scott & their kids) They were SO much fun to see! They're our friends from Florida! We watched Keya's wedding video; talked to CJ about his mission & the book he wrote while there; laughed about old times; Brittany and Kassia hung out (as they were best buds in preschool); and we had the best "restaurant waffles" with strawberries and whipped cream the next morning! Thanks!
We stayed with Cyrina Jones and her three kids in Boise also...and got to harrass them! It was SO much fun to see her and her boys! I LOVE talking with her and getting Sonic drinks!! We had to laugh because we met up at a REST STOP on the way home towards BOISE...WITHOUT COORDINATING!!! I was going into the ladies room and hear my name..."Tammy Molina!" It was Cyrina! ...whose HOUSE we were going to!!! We were coming from Malad and she from Rexburg! So it was pretty AMAZING! My cell was in the back trunk in my clothes probably dead, so I couldn't call her though I had been planning on it! I got to hop in her car and drive the rest of the way with her! FUN! ...We did a bit of cleaning when we got there--which sounds funny, but it made my DAY!!! She's SO much fun! I LOVE her!
Anyway, even though the trip was long, hard, crazy and enduring at times, we had a GREAT time seeing everyone along the way!! It was memorable! Thanks for a GREAT Thanksgiving vacation!!!
Thomas is a Deacon
Thomas got the Priesthood shortly after his birthday in September! Doesn't he look SO cute in his new suit!?? (Sorry I haven't posted something before, but I have to wrestle my two daughters, husband and now, my 12 year old boy for computer time!) I wanted to comment on how it MADE my day that Sunday! --Seeing him pass the sacrament for the first time! He looked so solemn and mature--(as mature as a 12 year old can) taking his job so seriously--looking very natural and reverent! It was so nice! I felt PROUD as well as the Spirit and Joy! You mothers with 12 year olds know what I'm talking about! It felt nice.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Brittany chosen as Homecoming Queen
Last week Brittany was chosen as one of the four Senior Homecoming Princesses at Southridge High School. She was presented at an assembly in front of the whole student body escorted by Ryan (one of the Princes) as her escort. It was fun for her.

Later on that night at the football game (a very RAINY football game I might add), parents and family escorted the candidates out onto the field in front of the crowd. They were handed boxes with balloons hidden inside. On the count of three they were told to open their boxes, and whoever had the yellow balloon fly out, was the King or Queen. Nick Derrah was voted the King and Brittany the Homecoming Queen! Yeah Brittany!

This is Brittany on the night of the HOMECOMING dance (Sat.) she went with her friend Jeff White.
They all wear short dresses for Homecoming, and Long formal dresses for Prom. This dress had a 4 inch row of sequins on the bottom to match the shoulders. Whe looked very pretty.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
It's the month of birthdays for the Molina family. Hailey turned 14 this month and is enjoying her last year of middle school. She is doing great in soccer and can"t wait to start High school.

Thomas turned 12 on September 26th and celebrated with what else but... a football party. He had a lot of fun with his friends, and on Sunday he received the Aaronic Priesthood in church. 
Thursday, September 18, 2008
It can't be true!!
Brittany received some of her senior pictures... which means it's true, she only has less than a year left before she starts college... are we that old?? It feels like we were in college just a couple of years ago...

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