Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Cheer and Almond Crunch bars

Hi there! This is Tammy. I hope you are all doing well!

‘Tis the night before Christmas Eve
and all through the house,
there’s not much a happenin’,
except for with my spouse…
He’s making me post this message on our blog,
when I’d rather be sleeping or drinking egg nog!
The kids are all nestled all snug on the floor, watching TV, and snacking,
could you ask for more?
We’re all waiting for Christmas excited as can be…
while presents wait for opening, all under our tree.
With carolers, hot chocolate, and raindrops galore;
the parties, and shopping, the visits and more;
we try to remember the reason we’re here–
for the birth of the Christchild which brings us good cheer.
We are so grateful for Christ…for the example he gave us, for the happiness He brings as we reach out to Him–He lifts us up to be complete, forgiven, peaceful, and happy!
We’ve had a great year and wish you all the best!
Here’s a recipe I thought I’d share which my mom makes every year. (I’m just about to make it for my neighbors)…
Almond Bark Crunch
3 cups of 3 kinds of cereals (Rice & Corn Chex, Golden Grahams, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, etc.–preferrably the square kinds) Total 9 cups of cereal
3 cups pretzels or chow mein noodles
3 cups pecans, honey coated peanuts or your favorite nuts
Melt a 1 1/2 lb. almond bark (or white chocolate) and pour over dry cereal. Mix well. (Can add m&m’s for color)

Love, Tammy

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